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Zinc alloy face recognition smart lock

Zinc alloy face recognition smart lock with zinc alloy panel one-piece molding, surface coating injection molding process, advanced space gray spray paint, metal motor, 4.0-inch high-definition cat-eye display, automatic capture detection doorway upload cell phone, anti-pry alarm, while it is built-in three-dimensional vision algorithm, can identify the dynamic three-dimensional characteristics of the panel in real time, effectively avoiding the full hidden danger caused by 2D flat imaging technology.
Product Details FAQ
Optional color:           Space gray Fingerprint sensor:  FPC
Main body material:                   Zinc-aluminum alloy Display screen: 4.0 inch
Wake-up mode:         Touch screen/face  Camera pixels:  100w
Static power consumption:         ≤50uA Power supply:  Lithium battery
Working temperature:  -40-60 Fingerprint password number:  80/80/100  
Recognition speed:  ≤ 0.01s Applicable types:  Security doors, wooden doors, copper doors, etc.

Pulushi Electronic Technology

Zhejiang Pulushi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 1992, is an Professional Zinc Alloy Face Recognition Smart Lock manufacturer and factory in China With more than 20 years of continuous technological innovation and invention, Pulushi's products are exported all over the world. The modern machinery R&D department, smart lock R&D department, quality control test department, lock panel forming department, die-casting department, and electroplating department provide reliable support for the continuous development and improvement of each production line, and also provide a guarantee for maintaining the strong innovation ability of Pulushi.

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Zinc alloy face recognition smart lock Industry Knowledge Extension

  What advantages does zinc alloy construction bring to this smart lock?

  Zinc alloy construction offers several advantages to a smart lock. Here are some of the benefits that this type of construction can bring:

  Durability: Zinc alloy is known for its durability and strength. It can withstand regular use, resist wear and tear, and maintain its structural integrity over time. This is particularly important for a smart lock, as it ensures that the lock remains reliable and functional through many locking and unlocking cycles.

  Corrosion Resistance: Zinc alloy has natural corrosion-resistant properties, which makes it suitable for outdoor or humid environments. This resistance to rust and corrosion helps prolong the lifespan of the smart lock, even when exposed to varying weather conditions.

  Security: The strong and sturdy nature of zinc alloy enhances the overall security of the smart lock. It provides a robust barrier against tampering, forced entry attempts, and physical attacks.

  Weight and Size: Zinc alloy offers strength without excessive weight or bulkiness. This is beneficial for a smart lock's design, ensuring that the lock can be compact and relatively lightweight while still providing the necessary strength and security.

  Design Flexibility: Zinc alloy can be molded into intricate and precise shapes, allowing for design flexibility. Manufacturers can create aesthetically pleasing and ergonomic designs for smart locks while maintaining the desired strength and functionality.

  Ease of Manufacturing: Zinc alloy is relatively easy to work with during the manufacturing process, which can contribute to more efficient production of smart locks.

  Anti-Tamper Features: The strength of zinc alloy makes it suitable for incorporating anti-tamper features, such as reinforced locking mechanisms and hardened casing, that deter unauthorized access attempts.

  Longevity: The combination of durability, corrosion resistance, and strength contributes to the longevity of the smart lock. This means that the lock can provide reliable performance and security for an extended period.

  Aesthetics: Zinc alloy can be finished with various coatings, such as chrome or brushed nickel, to enhance its appearance and complement the overall design of the smart lock. This attention to aesthetics can improve the lock's appeal and integration into different environments.

  Environmental Considerations: Zinc is a recyclable material, making it an environmentally friendly choice. This aligns with sustainability efforts and responsible manufacturing practices.

  Thermal Conductivity: Zinc alloy has good thermal conductivity, which can help prevent overheating in cases where the smart lock's internal components generate heat during operation.

  Can the Zinc Alloy Face Recognition Smart Lock withstand outdoor installation?

  Weather Resistance: Zinc alloy is corrosion-resistant, which is beneficial for outdoor environments. However, other components of the smart lock, such as electronic components and sensors, also need to be weather-resistant to withstand exposure to rain, sunlight, extreme temperatures, and humidity.

  Sealing and Protection: For outdoor installation, the smart lock should have proper sealing and protection mechanisms to prevent water, dust, and debris from infiltrating the internal components. Look for a smart lock with a high IP (Ingress Protection) rating, which indicates its resistance to environmental factors.

  Temperature Range: Outdoor smart locks should be designed to operate within a wide temperature range. They should be able to function reliably in both hot and cold weather conditions.

  Power Source: Consider how the smart lock is powered. If it relies on batteries, make sure the lock can operate for an extended period without frequent battery replacements, especially in outdoor settings where accessibility might be a challenge.

  Security Against Tampering: In outdoor environments, the lock should be designed to withstand tampering attempts, physical attacks, and vandalism. Look for features such as reinforced casing and anti-tamper mechanisms.

  Face Recognition Performance: If the smart lock relies on face recognition for authentication, it's important to assess how well the face recognition technology works in outdoor lighting conditions. Direct sunlight, shadows, and glare can affect the accuracy of face recognition.

  Connection and Compatibility: Outdoor smart locks need to maintain a reliable connection to your network, especially if they're accessible remotely. Consider the lock's connectivity options (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.) and how well they work in outdoor environments.

  Installation Location: Choose an installation location that provides some protection from direct exposure to the elements. For example, placing the lock under a covered porch or awning can help shield it from rain and direct sunlight.

  Regular Maintenance: Even with a durable lock, regular maintenance is important for ensuring its longevity and performance. Regularly clean the lock and inspect it for any signs of wear or damage.